Ron Hammond
What’s the most important value to share with/teach the kids:
Being the smallest or slowest doesn't mean you can't be the best. Everyone has their own special skill set that makes the team better.
Favorite intro/pump-up song:
Space Jam Theme song...Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam!!
Favorite Sports Movie:
Obviously Space Jam followed by Miracle
Who was your childhood sports hero:
Steve Nash - small guy, big talent
Who was your favorite youth coach and what did he/she teach you:
Coach Nevitt of 5th grade PE. He would encourage me every day to try to beat the school record for the mile run. He would even make everyone in class run a mile every day til I beat the record of 6:13. Eventually, after his training, I was able to beat it with a time of 6:09.
Who’s the best friend you made through sports:
Coach Nick of Flag Star. We play flag football, kickball, tennis, basketball, and softball together. We are roommates now too.
What’s your most cringe-worthy sports moment / biggest failure:
When I got to college I took up lacrosse for the first time. I was complete trash and found out my strength was not passing or throwing (which is the whole point of the game). However, I found out I could get play defense well and hit hard. So the coach made a rule "Steal the ball from the other team, give it up to anyone else on the team"
What are your off-field interests/hobbies:
Basketball, Being bad at golf, hanging out with the guys
What’s your favorite quote:
“My rule is to break one sweat a day.” – Matthew McConaughey