Bethesda/NW Girls League


Female Flag Footballers: LET’S BALL!

It’s time to take this thing to the next level and start our first ever Girls League in Bethesda!

We have been waiting for this moment and its finally here, so lets get rocking.

Accompanied by some of our best coaches, this is something you won’t want to miss out on!

Scroll down for further details and, as always, email with any questions.

Bethesda Fall League

WHO: 3rd-8th Grade girls; all skill levels

WHAT: Six 90 minute sessions of Practice/Games

WHEN: Saturdays only: September 14th - October 19th (Rain Date 10/26)

TIME: 3rd-4th Graders: 3:30-5:00pm | 5th-8th Graders: 5:00-6:30pm

WHERE: Saturdays @ Bethesda Chevy Chase HS

WHY: Do you even have to ask??

Cost: Pro-Coached: $185 | Parent-Coached: $105 | Apply for a scholarship


What is the format of this program?

Practice time is built into our Sunday schedule. There’s a half hour practice window before the game begins. This half-hour gives coaches the chance to run drills, draw-up plays and put them immediately into play.

We’ve used this format for years now. It’s by far the most effective use of players’ time (and attention spans!).

Do we need to bring any equipment?

We recommend everyone brings a water bottle and a pair of cleats. Cleats are not required but it makes it easier for the players - any cleats will do, they don’t have to be football cleats.

Each player will receive a team jersey on the first day.

Will you have female coaches?

Yes! But we are looking for more. The staff will be a mix of male and female coaches, but if you know any great female role models who want to get in the mix, please send them our way!

My daughter knows nothing about football, is that ok?

Yes! We are open to all skill levels and our coaches are the absolute best at teaching the basics of the game.