A Combine? A Tournament? In December??

If your first thought is "Dec. 11th? It's going to be too cold!" ... you can close this window right now. 

Because it WILL be too cold for some folks. And that's all good -- we'll catch them this Spring. But if you're ready to throw on a hat, gloves and a little bit of grit, we'll be out there and waiting for you. 

There are two different parts of the day. The first is a combine, open to all players grades 4th-9th grade. The second is a tournament, open to Flag Star League Champions and a few additional local teams. 

The Winter Classic Combine

We had a combine last Spring and it was KILLER. This is a three-hour session of agility drills, strength training, and a speaker-series on nutrition, training and football values. Staffed with Flag Star's high-energy, positive coaches, we'll send your crew home happy, tired and having learned something in the process! 

Who: 3rd-9th Graders

What: Combine Drills (40 yard dash, sleds, pro-agilities), football-specific competitions and classroom 'chalk-talk' 

When: Dec. 11th. 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Where: Howard University Football Stadium

Why: If you're asking, this ain't for you! 

Cost: $70


The Winter Classic Invitational

We are -- by and large -- the back-yard football option in the DMV area. We're a Sundays-only, low-key, come-out-and-ball kind of organization.

But we've also got a great group of ballers. And some really impressive teams. The Winter Classic Invitational is a chance to get those teams together for some next-level competition. 

Most team spaces are saved for our local Flag Star league champions. But we're saving a few spots for other local squads. 

If you're interested in entering your team, drop Carl a note -- We'll try our best to get you involved! 

If you're interested in entering your team, drop Carl a note -- 

We'll try our best to get you involved! 

Who: Flag Star League Champions, selected local teams. 

Age Divisions: 4th-5th Grade, 6th-7th, 8th-9th

What: A Tournament of Champions. Each team is guaranteed two games. 

When: Dec 11th. See below for tournament schedule. 

Where: Howard University Football Stadium

Why: Competition, Teamwork, Community.

Cost: $400/team