Squad Up. Pod Up.


Is “pod” a weird way to describe a self-contained group of players? We don’t know.

What we do know is these are a HIT. We’ve now had thousands of kids play in our pods (in groups of 8-14) and they have been an overwhelming success. They’re fun, productive and a great chance to play some ball.

And we want more!!

Fall 2024 Pod Basics

WHO: Pre-formed groups of 6-14 kids. K - 10th Grade.

WHAT: Weekly sessions of skills, drills, and scrimmaging. 7 weeks total beginning the week of September 16th through the week of October 28th (weather make-ups will be the week of Nov 4th)

WHEN: Weekday afternoons & evenings. NO weekend pods.

TIME: Your Call! Most weekday pods will run from 3:30-5:00.

** Please Note ** Time Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We’re working hard to accommodate everyone.

WHERE: The field/location is of your choosing. Most of these pods have been informally planned at neighborhood parks or fields of your choosing. We can always work to find you “permitted” field space, but that can be few and far between.

Through active communication (and prayers to the Football Gods!), we’ve been able to be flexible with locations. Pod prices are also less expensive than our traditional leagues because of these informal field arrangements.

WHY: If you’ve read this far, you already know.

PRICING (90 Minutes):
Once per week:
$235 per player
Twice per week: $375 per player

PRICING (60 Minutes):
Once per week:
$175 per player
Twice per week: $285 per player

*Pods are cheaper than league play because we do not incur jersey or field rental costs.

Inclement Weather Policy

We will let you know at least 1 hour in advance if pods are cancelled because of weather or field conditions (can you believe we’re planning for snow already?!) Make sure you opt in to email communications on your Sports Engine account.

No news = good news = your pod is on!

If there are rain/thunderstorms in the forecast, we’re going to make a go/no-go programming decision 60 minutes before our scheduled start time (which allows our coaches the time to commute/set-up before practice starts). 

We’re always ready to play in the rain, but if there is a > 65% chance of thunderstorms in the forecast, we’re going to cancel the program for the day. And in the event that we cancel a program, we’ll reschedule that for the rain make-up week (the week of Nov. 8).

If there is < 65% of thunderstorms -- but if thunderstorms are still in the forecast -- we are going to try and run programs. We’ll deploy our coaches to the field and -- if we play or not -- pay them for that days work. BUT -- because there’s no indoor shelter nearby -- we need parents to be in their cars and close to the field in the case the kids need to seek shelter. If you can’t be there to wait in your car on days when thunderstorms are in the forecast, please pre-plan with another parent who can take your kid into their car in the event of a storm. I just can’t (and won’t) have kids getting in cars with coaches. 

These things have been awesome. You all should be super proud of yourselves. Tell me if you want a testimonial or something for the website.
— An actual parent


“Do I have to have a full group to participate?”

The short answer is no. The long answer is that it may take a bit more time to match free agents together in convenient locations.

“I’m not a part of a group. Is there an option for free agents?”

The short answer is yes. If a group in your area needs another player (or if we have enough to form a new pod), we’ll reach out and confirm. You can fill out this form to enter the Free Agent pool.

“Do you provide coaches? And how many are there?”

Yes. We will provide two coaches (one head coach and one assistant coach) to each pod. Coaches will also bring all equipment needed for each session.

“How big of a space do I need to play?”

Most any grass space will do. Park, field, or even a big backyard. We usually recommend that the space is at least 20yds x 20yds

“Can I speak to a parent who has done a pod before?”

Definitely. Email Nikki (nikki@flagstarfootball.com) and she can connect you to a number of parents who would love to talk about their experience.

“This seems like a lot of fun”

It is!