Henry Iloanya


I’m a part of Flag Star because…

I love the game of football and the community of people that Flag Star brings together. I also love working with kids.

What’s the most important value to share with/teach the kids:

Teamwork, discipline, and perseverance through adversity are all great values to teach.

Favorite intro/pump-up song:

Meek Mill - Dreams and Nightmares

Favorite Sports Movie:

Like Mike

Who was your childhood sports hero:

Allen Iverson

Who was your favorite youth coach and what did he/she teach you:

Coach Trivers at Gonzaga. He was a big influence on me, teaching me how to be a better man in all aspects

Who’s the best friend you made through sports:

I've made more than one good friend through sports! I wouldn't be able to pinpoint this question on one person.

What’s your most cringe-worthy sports moment / biggest failure:

I scored on the wrong basket in a crucial 4th grade basketball game. Needless to say, MAKE SURE you know what hoop is designated for your team to make buckets!

What are your off-field interests/hobbies:

Listening to music, spending time with friends, sleeping

What’s your favorite quote:

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"


Richie Oliver


Zacciah Saltzman