Sofia Neidhart-Ortiz
I’m a part of Flag Star because I have loved football since I was a little kid and I want to share that love as best I can with those younger than me. I love the people that gravitate towards Flagstar and the community that has developed around Flagstar football.
What’s the most important value to share with/teach the kids: Good sportsmanship - How to not only be a good loser but also a good winner.
Favorite intro/pump-up song: I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles
Favorite Sports Movie: Blindside
Who was your childhood sports hero: Hope Solo - Soccer goalie for the US women’s national team.
Who was your favorite youth coach and what did he/she teach you: My favorite coach i’ve ever had is Coach Milton. He is the soccer coach for my club team and he taught me how to be resilient. He taught me how to motivate myself into working towards my goals and putting in the extra time to achieve them.
Who’s the best friend you made through sports: My best friend that I’ve made through sports is Caitlin Bishop. We started playing flag football together when I was a freshman in high school and she was in 8th grade. We gravitated towards each other since we were the only girls on our team and possibly in our age group and we’ve been inseparable ever since.
What’s your most cringe-worthy sports moment / biggest failure: On one of my first flag football games I was wearing my glasses and I knocked heads with another player. My glasses broke and gave me a cut along my eyebrow. I wanted to keep playing though so my dad taped my glasses back together with a band-aid and I played the rest of the game with my wobbly glasses. I have sworn by contacts ever since.
What are your off-field interests/hobbies: I am a part of a choir for my school along with various club sports teams such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. If I’m not performing with my choir then I’m probably at a sports practice or a game.