Flag Star DC Charter School League - Fall 2024

Time to grow!

Flag Footballers: Let’s Ball!!

This league is for high-school students of DC charter schools looking to squad up and ball out.

And our mission is simple: Get Better. Have Fun. Create a low-pressure opportunity for kids to run around and compete. Include everyone. Ball.

These will be 1.5 hour sessions on Sundays only with a 30-minute team practice followed by an hour-long game.

9th- 12th Graders, Boys & Girls -- everyone is welcome. Yourself included. As long as you’re committed to building on this culture, we’d love to have you on the team.


WHERE: The Fields @ RFK Campus

WHO: 9th-12th Graders, Boys & Girls

WHEN: Sundays only. September 15th - November 3rd (Rain Date 11/10)

TIME: 3:30-5:00PM

COST: $65 | Apply for Financial Aid Here

*Financial Aid: No child will be left out. If you need a full scholarship, please click the button above to apply.

Get Better. Have Fun. Let's Rock.

Stay in the loop about our Cap Hill league!

* indicates required
Great People, Great Sport, Great Energy
— Tom Repke


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*E-mail Carl (Carl@flagstarfootball.com) with any other questions

Can I register an entire team?

Yes. We’d prefer that. If you have a group of players you’d like to register, e-mail us directly (hq@flagstarfootball.com) and we’ll create a personalized registration page for your crew!

Even if you only have 4-5 kids, drop us a line. Creating your own registration page helps make sure we place you all together!

But I don’t have an entire team! Can I still register to play? 

Most likely, yes. In our first season, priority placement goes to pre-formed teams, but we do accept “free-agents”: players who register by themselves or with small groups of friends.

When you register, list your friends names or indicate your “free-agent” status under “team preference.” We’ll place you all together and work hard to find you a team.

When do the boys (and girls!) practice? 

Practice time is built into our Sunday schedule. There’s a half hour practice window before the game begins. This half-hour gives coaches the chance to run drills, draw-up plays and put them immediately into play. 

We’ve used this format for years now. It’s by far the most effective use of players’ time (and attention spans!).

My son isn’t the best athlete and he’s never played flag football. Will he be left behind?

Absolutely not. Bring us your outgoing and your shy. Your great athletes and your children with two left-feet. Flag Star Football welcomes all kids who want to participate!

Our league is designed for every level of experience and every level of athleticism. A good portion of our players are football-fanatics, but just as many are first-time players. They’re kids who haven’t shown interest in sports and need something to get them out of the house. All are welcome.

Where exactly will you play?

We are, as always, fighting for field space. Sometimes we don't know our field assignments until weeks before the season. 

We do make this promise, though: if you register and end up unhappy with the field location, you can withdrawal from the league with a full refund. We don’t anticipate fields being a problem. 

The Next Game Project/Flag Star Football are proud sponsors of the Flag Star Football Foundation, working to provide all young athletes with the opportunity to play, learn and grow.